Beauty Forum Paris, appointment of the professionals of ease in institute became established in the Congress palace on October 8th and 9th of this year. Two days to discover many technological novelties and to exchange with professionals of the market. Ideas, tendencies to explore to satisfy customers in search of serenity. Nicola Di Nicola was invited as lecturer of Beauty Forum to treat merchandising and course client in institutes or spas.
At first, Nicola reveals that the customers often attracted by a competitive card of care did not live a total experience answering their waitings. In this context, Nicola showed how much it was important that merchandising immediately reveals experience to come and that the place has soul. This place must be lived by a warm personnel, turned to the client giving an experience ultra-customised in contrast to the too often lived standardised process.
In second time, Nicola, expert of the retail, put forward the necessity to sensitise and to form teams institutes in the bet in beauty. The customer will go out nice of the institute and will very indeed have bought products used to sublimate her. The customer, thanks to her products, will extend her experience and the need to renew them. The retail trade is in more a negligible vector of the profitability of the place.
To conclude, Stendhal has you it not said: “Beauty is only the promise of happiness.”
The Aladinoo team